Author Topic: NEGOTIATING WITH AIR AMERICA (part a)  (Read 2985 times)


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« on: August 31, 2009, 06:14:06 PM »
Arlene of dialysisethics.

 Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 9:58 am    Post subject: NEGOTIATING WITH AIR AMERICA   

It appears that CMS and others have been "business as usual". My silence for the past few months have not meant I am through. I just am getting ready for the "public awareness"..Lawsuits against the industry have started.

I have tried to work with CMS and it has been nothing of substance that has been changed. One would think that it always has been industry friendly. The ESRD Networks are still in place and no neutral enity was put up for patient one still has the fear of complaining to the enemy or abusers. I have given them ample opportunity.They take it as they can do as they want. I feel I have given them many opportunity to do what is right. Now, I am through talking and going public. Change didnt happen of any substance that was not industry friendly. Since when does the government pay the bill and are told what they will and will not do?

I have and will help the lawyers with the information I have. The government has done everything but spit on the simply has let them down for the profit of the industry and maybe their own pockets. Strong words? I feel that they never change and talking and begging has not helped. Patients are still afraid and the industry it would appear have the blessings of the government. I will be here to help any patient that still needs help. This is where change will come about...lawsuits and public appearances. CMS and the Networks have been silent on patient rights. If they have a new enity, it will be boarded with industry control,,,not one that is ever patient friendly.

I will have the opportunity to speak the truth and the documents speak for themselves....I have tried talking with Brady and it has been promises not kept. When someone puts nothing in writing and dialogues over the phone, know they are not serious.

Respect is earned. but now I am putting my efforts in public forum. Others can talk and talk....but CMS is going to be accountable publicly for the first time as is our Senators.

Many have been scared that with the pending lawsuits that the lawyers will be the ones getting rich...I have not and will not take any money for any help I give an attorney...But does one go legal, when ones CMS and government have allowed the slaughter of patients and their rights. All I care about is the patients fear of retrabution from these clinics stops! It has never been about patients, it clearly has been about has never been about healthcare, its been about profit.

A person can go to an attorney or not, it is a personal choice. When I started this, I felt that the government would stop the wrong doing...get the copy of the Senate hearings of 2000...Grassley was outraged....nothing changed, plus for a Senator that was clueless on dialysis,,,he was on the Committee on Aging in 1986, when reuse was discussed and he was well aware of this. I never dreamed that CMS would allow these abuses, even after they knew about them..CMS had high officials that worked with the dialysis companies and board members of one of the companies. Then they had top officials who just traded board positions on the dialysis companies. Its about the patients having a say in their lives and not to continue the "cash cow incentive the government has set up. To have proper treatment and choices. One can or cannot do reuse..a right to "informed consent".

I am not through,...I am just getting started. This is about right and wrong and as citizens we have the ability to go public. It is out in the open and this I realize will not win me a popularity contest...But I would rather stand for something than nothing and to one day sit by a stranger, who is a dialysis patient and hear that they are treated with respect and dignity.

Arlene Mullin


 Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 10:55 am    Post subject: EMAIL SENT TO CMS AND SENATE COMMITTEE ON FINANCE   

I have posted the letter to the Committee on Finance and CMS. It appears that to expect fairness is not going to happen. They have been given 7 years. Nice has not worked...! Arlene

THE Michelle,
There has been no changes of any substance that have protected our patients. It appears that it has been business as usual....
I understand by Grassley's silence and the Committee on Aging, that patients have not counted and will not until it is publically out. I guess that all the emails to the Senate Finance as the Senate Committee on Aging on dismissed patients have fallen on deaf ears and has CMS.No help came from you, just your silence. Senator Grassley was on the Committee on Aging on the hearing in 1986.. I realize that you cannot reach every persons heart...but elected officials have the obligation to hear those who do not have the voice of paid lobbiest. You and CMS have been nothing short of working against the patients. The safety net of the ESRD Networks have not worked and patients with your knowledge have died. Dialysis has had no neutral enity to protect the patients and there is no quality assurance ever!
I know I am preaching to someone that has not helped and has no intention of helping. I am sorry that I couldnt reach Grassley's heart or sense of fairness.
Promises were not kept, the industry has had all the cards. I am sending you the blog on the site. I play in the open..and accountability needs to happen.
Wishing you the best. It appears that CMS and others have been "business as usual". My silence for the past few months have not meant I am through. I just am getting ready for the "public awareness"..Lawsuits against the industry have started.

I have tried to work with CMS and it has been nothing of substance that has been changed. One would think that it always has been industry friendly. The ESRD Networks are still in place and no neutral enity was put up for patient one still has the fear of complaining to the enemy or abusers. I have given them ample opportunity.They take it as they can do as they want. I feel I have given them many opportunity to do what is right. Now, I am through talking and going public. Change didnt happen of any substance that was not industry friendly. Since when does the government pay the bill and are told what they will and will not do?

I have and will help the lawyers with the information I have. The government has done everything but spit on the simply has let them down for the profit of the industry and maybe their own pockets. Strong words? I feel that they never change and talking and begging has not helped. Patients are still afraid and the industry it would appear have the blessings of the government. I will be here to help any patient that still needs help. This is where change will come about...lawsuits and public appearances. CMS and the Networks have been silent on patient rights. If they have a new enity, it will be boarded with industry control,,,not one that is ever patient friendly.

I will have the opportunity to speak the truth and the documents speak for themselves....I have tried talking with Brady and it has been promises not kept. When someone puts nothing in writing and dialogues over the phone, know they are not serious.

Respect is earned. but now I am putting my efforts in public forum. Others can talk and talk....but CMS is going to be accountable publicly for the first time as is our Senators.

Many have been scared that with the pending lawsuits that the lawyers will be the ones getting rich...I have not and will not take any money for any help I give an attorney...But does one go legal, when ones CMS and government have allowed the slaughter of patients and their rights. All I care about is the patients fear of retrabution from these clinics stops! It has never been about patients, it clearly has been about has never been about healthcare, its been about profit.

A person can go to an attorney or not, it is a personal choice. When I started this, I felt that the government would stop the wrong doing...get the copy of the Senate hearings of 2000...Grassley was outraged....nothing changed, plus for a Senator that was clueless on dialysis,,,he was on the Committee on Aging in 1986, when reuse was discussed and he was well aware of this. I never dreamed that CMS would allow these abuses, even after they knew about them..CMS had high officials that worked with the dialysis companies and board members of one of the companies. Then they had top officials who just traded board positions on the dialysis companies. Its about the patients having a say in their lives and not to continue the "cash cow incentive the government has set up. To have proper treatment and choices. One can or cannot do reuse..a right to "informed consent".

I am not through,...I am just getting started. This is about right and wrong and as citizens we have the ability to go public. It is out in the open and this I realize will

 not win me a popularity contest...But I would rather stand for something than nothing and to one day sit by a stranger, who is a dialysis patient and hear that they are treated with respect and dignity.

Arlene Mullin

Arlene Mullin


 Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 12:23 pm    Post subject: oops   

good luckand my prayers are with you. more will know the truth.thank you :wink:
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Joined: 28 Oct 2002
Posts: 103

 Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 3:32 pm    Post subject: Let us know what day   

and time ... Everyone should know the sad as it can be.
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 Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 3:15 pm    Post subject: Air America??   

At any given time, there are about 10 people listening to Air America. Air America won't even survive. However, it comes as not surprise that this board and the people running it would align with a leftist organization. This is where your interests lie and this is why you get nowhere fast. You're aligning yourselves with ineffective, impotent organizations that have no power.

What is the truth folks? That disruptive, dissatisfied, and professionally malcontent patients (and their families) are being dismissed from clinics which are private property? So what? Why don't you pick your issues and your poster children for those issues a little more carefully and you may see some real progress in the industry.

 Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 7:00 am    Post subject: Air America   

Air America is history...didn't anyone read about THEIR financial woes? Stealing money from special needs education in NYC? Go with a more credible group to get your point across.
"Like me, you unfortunate enough to stumble upon a silent war. The trouble is that once you see it, you can't unsee it. And once you've seen it, keeping quiet, saying nothing,becomes as political an act as speaking out. Either way, you're accountable."

Arundhati Roy