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www.gao.gov Free first copy call 202-512-6000



Joined: 17 Nov 2003
Posts: 1

 Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 8:33 am    Post subject: www.gao.gov Free first copy call 202-512-6000   

I had the GAO report faxed this morning. It only concluded what we have been saying for 5 1/2 years.We blew the whistle over 5 years ago, all that was found was found in 2000,when the Committee turned its back until now another election year. I am angry, as this has caused deaths and nothing was done and dumpings have continued.<
>It appears that Grassley wants to soft peddle it and let it continue to go underground for another election.We are applying pressure,as this will not go underground again.<
>We will be going to others that is well aware of Grassleys AMIGEN connection and CNN was a typical Grassley tactic. This man did not come alive until it was election year and could not ignore all the faxes that we have been sending for over 5 1/2 years,dealing with the hard issues and the violations of patients rights and dumpings.. He came alive when he found out the press was involved and an expose` was coming out.We blew the whistle over 5 years ago, only wants to work with patients who are industry friendly, and did not contact any of the ones who were abused. This will not be white washed this time.<
>Many in DC know of Grassley's track record, and are not suprised with this, as he is known for having hearings after hearings and accomplishes nothing but rhetoric,waiting for him to do something will take an act of congress. Many deaths and abuses still continue. He also is aware of a new patient dumping in Texas. Personally we have gone elsewhere to get this resolved.We had already gone elsewhere when he started his microphone talking. He has turned out to be more industry friendly than the patients who are enduring these clinics for 30 years.<
>Guys it is as bad if not worse than in 2000. He will be dealt with in the expose, as he still has not addressed the patients dismissals or anything of substance. WE will be conferencing more of the Congressional leaders as they are taking this seriously and are outraged as we are. Grassley is not all that well liked in DC,and many are wanting to work with us on this. He hopefully will be forced to do the right thing this time, many eyes are watching.<
>Blaming CMS for everything is not correct, as they can only do so much, as many of the changes are going to take congressional actions, and we have moved on. This is an ugly report and this committee should be ashamed of themselves. 

Joined: 18 Nov 2003
Posts: 1

 Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2003 5:54 am    Post subject: not suprised!   

Not suprised at all. He let us all down. I do agree with going to the house side. He let us all down. 

Joined: 28 Oct 2002
Posts: 337

 Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2003 8:12 am    Post subject: Just wondering   

how it would look if the abused, dumped pts.. and their families contacted CNN and told them exactly why they want an interview. I know it's too late now but really would've liked to have sen the interview he arranged on one half, and the other interview the other half. kind of a stark contrast. Lin. 

Joined: 15 Feb 2003
Posts: 72

 Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2003 9:12 am    Post subject: CNN REPORT   

First of all let me assure you that this nightmare will have a huge chunk taken out of it by the next election. CNN didnt suprise me at all, as this issue is one that has always been dealt with gently, and not to upset anyone.<
>However, the tides are changing and we are in the best place possible right now. At times many of us wondered why we continued, we know now. We have been validated since 2000, and nothing has changed. HOw much information does one
ing to the emperor? WE are placed in a sweet place now and realize that many of the changes will happen BEFORE the next election. THat is the time frame we have been targeting for. It looks as if more highly placed individuals are now coming to our aid. THe changes will be ones that benefit ALL PATIENTS and is very do-able.<
>I will be going back to DC either in January or Fe
uary. Like I stated before, Grassley is only one Senator. We are in a much better place and have lots of new helpers.I need to work on realizing that it isnt personal and taking a stand, never makes one popular. WE will continue until we make it over the finish line, and sweep up the other issues. We can do this. We have gone to the House side and others that are well placed in DC. Remember, many of the changes will have to come from the hearings as Grassley knows. However, he may have to take a stand, because the microphone will not be too friendly in his face next time. He can still do what is right. His pockets will be emptier, and he will be accountable as will others for no safety net to offer protection to the patients. He has to do something, others will.<
>Arlene Edited by: realdialysisethics at: 11/22/03 12:19 pm<


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