Author Topic: What is Calciphylaxis?  (Read 4720 times)


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What is Calciphylaxis?
« on: August 30, 2009, 04:30:48 PM »
Founding RN

Joined: 10 Jan 2003
Posts: 172

PostPosted: Mon Feb 10, 2003 10:52 am    Post subject: What is Calciphylaxis?    

What is Calciphylaxis?<
>Calciphylaxis is a condition where calcium is deposited in the blood vessels and skin. The medical terminology for this is vascular calcification and skin necrosis. The condition is poorly understood as to why it occurs and what the underlying causes are.<
>This condition is considered to be highly morbid (60-90%) and is rare outside of the ESRD population. Studies have shown that 1-4% of the ESRD population is affected by Calciphylaxis. It is thought to be related to the following disorders; chronic renal failure, hypercalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, elevated calcium-phosphate product and secondary hyperparathyroidism. These conditions are found commonly in ESRD patients. <
>Those in the ESRD population who are at increased risk for this are those who are obese, non-compliant in diet and medications, (taking binders and keeping your phosphorus levels down with diet) following dialysis prescription, and those who have been exposed to immunosuppressive drugs.<
>What is given here is just a simple overview of a very complex issue that I would encourage every ESRD patient to learn about. Yahoo is an excellent resource to search through for more detailed information<


Joined: 29 Jan 2007
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Location: ON, Canada
PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 3:28 am    Post subject:    

Here is an excellent link explaining Calciphylaxis!
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Arundhati Roy