Update: And it gets worse: KIDS!!!!
Petition (and see our visit to DC and DC Press Conference + Rally)
As I stated in an X post, I had a bit of a disagreement with someone I now consider intelligent and sensitive: @TomDNaughton. Like many intelligent, sensitive people, he isn't used to being wrong. When I simply pointed out an article he had me look at just might be less than accurate - he jumped all over me! Ok, maybe I did deliver it in a bit of a smart aleck manner. Ok - no maybe - I did deliver it in a smart aleck manner. If he ever reads this, I'll just say after 20+ years of staring at things like the horror show that has been going on in kidney dialysis, I can be a little cranky at times. (horror show continued)
When Naughton spewed venom at me, I did what is natural for me and spewed it back. He hurt this delicate flower! (ok, I chuckled a bit) I was curious though who I was dealing with and noticed he is a documentary maker. I thought, oh goody, more ammo! Much to my surprise I actually liked his documentary 'Fat Head'! It was informative! It was funny! Even a blind squirrel trips over a nut now and then! (sorry, couldn't resist) I wanted to hate it, but couldn't. I might have handled things differently if I had seen it first, eh probably not. I'm not feeling that guilty because I still think he was asking for it - sorry, my bitter nature coming out again. Besides Naughton's documentary I would also recommend Dr. Richard K. Bernstein's 'The Diabetes Solution' documentary (and his book) - and would listen to many of the people in this message board thread. This is all starting to fit in well to the theme of #RaidingTheSupplyTrainToDialysis.
But getting back to what riled me up, I took issue with his statement that Kamala Harris is going to give us Price Controls. He didn't much like the former labor secretary Robert Reich video I showed him. Apparently he is not a fan of Robert Reich, ok fine. He then sent me a Washington Post article he liked. I pointed out author Matt Stoller didn't like it much and I dug into Mr. Naughton a bit. Here is just one quote from the newsletter I just pointed out:
"Catherine Rampell is a Washington Post columnist. Her husband Chris Conlon is a minor economist known for his hostility to FTC Chair Lina Khan.." FTC chair Khan has been involved in things like banning noncompete contracts and she has been ticking off the right billionaires.
Before he blocked me, he let me know I wasn't worthy of having an opinion, and he had read "dozens of books on economics"! I hope he hadn't read the neoliberal crap coming out of the University of Chicago back in the '70s or so. Sounds like the free market was supposed to be the be and end all for economics - sorry, but I've seen it free to take advantage when choice isn't involved. But maybe I should pick up a book or two if there is ever a toilet paper shortage again. I'm more of a fan of people like Louis Brandeis - the father of the New Deal, and Texas Rep. Wright Patman, one of the last New Dealers in Congress. They were both featured in Matt Stoller's book 'Goliath'. They weren't '70s Chicago economists and that looks like a good thing. As Matt Stoller had to say in the blog I mentioned concerning Harris:
“I can’t see much of a downside to being attacked by economists and experts, after all these are the elites who got us into this mess”.
But since I'm not educated enough (I guess the school of hard knocks doesn't count), possibly Mr. Naughton could find someone on his level in this Reading List. I just worry that Mr. Naughton is using that mighty, mighty intelligence to justify something stupid - and is right now intelligent but not wise. But what do I know, I don't read enough economics books – oh wait, see the above quote! I'll be adding him to my long list of people whose work I can admire, but seem so flawed in other ways, though in Naughton’s opinion I may not be worthy of having an opinion. Again, maybe he will find somebody on that Reading List I mentioned. It helped with my deprogramming, yes once upon a time I believed much as he does - but then harsh reality slapped me alongside my head.
Maybe when he called me a moron, it was actually a term of endearment? I noticed his wife called him a moron in the documentary. My wife has that pet name for me too! I guess we are just a couple of lovable knuckleheads going at it on the internet.
Update: And it gets worse: KIDS!!!!
Petition (and see our visit to DC and DC Press Conference + Rally)