Update: And it gets worse:  KIDS!!!!

Petition (and see our visit to DC and DC Press Conference + Rally)


After reading the following a great first step would be to write your Federal Representatives backing up our February 29th, 2024 "Rally To Congress" and January 31st Press Conference!  One good question to ask would be: "Are there any reasons left NOT to breakup the huge dialysis companies???"  We aren't seeing any! 

UPDATE: Another question might be "Shouldn't the nephrologists, kidney doctors, exemption to the Stark Law be taken away?"  That exemption stifles innovation like 'Community Dialysis Houses' - neprologists are less likely to recommend something they don't have a financial interest in like the clinics.  FREE THE NEPHROLOGISTS FROM THEIR GILDED CAGES!!!

(when last checked, Warren Buffett owned 40% of DaVita the huge kidney dialysis company through Berkshire Hathaway Inc..  DaVita was about 1% of the Berkshire portfolio.  Apparently "product quality" isn't a concern)

Organization and Personal Introduction

Dialysis History and Information
Everything from a quick 1 minute overview, to articles and books

How to Help!!! (click on link to see NINE+ ways to help)
As has been said, the majority of kidney dialysis patients haven't been in a position to help themselves for decades!!!  Poor health and intimidation have been factors, click link above and find out how YOU can make a difference!!!  This isn't just about kidney dialysis!  It is just one of the worst examples of monopoly power affecting us and our loved ones.  It is time to fight back!!!  And not just those affected by dialysis!  Everyone!!!

!!!P.S. The following History and recent Children's stats linked to, need to be emphasized!!! Update: And it gets worse:  KIDS!!!!

Reading ListEverything from a 1 minute intro to dialysis to books with a broader view of the ill effects of monopoly power. Of special note is NYT's best-author Tom Mueller's book 'How To Make a Killing' about kidney dialysis.

Petition (and see our visit to DC and DC Press Conference + Rally)