How to Participate!!! - a person doesn't have to have any connection to dialysis to take part! 

----------------------------------------------------------------------- Founders:

*This 1999 Willamette Week article highlights two founders of DialysisEthics from the early days, medical worker Arlene Mullin and patient Victor Barber (R.I.P. Victor)Arlene also went on to found Dialysis Advocates.

*U.S. Senate Witnesses - they gave boots-on-the-ground testimony to what was really happening in kidney dialysis, Brent Smith and Dr. Kenneth Bays

*Founding RN - she lent a lot of credibility to the organization in the early days, introduction

*Frank Brown - at one time claimed to have "been on dialysis longer than anybody in
the country". He helped highlight the horrific conditions he had to endure in dialysis.  He also had a three part article written about him.

(there are others who could be consider founders but the above managed to draw attention in the media,  by their work, or in the halls of government)


Surviving Early Members of as of May 23rd 2023:

*Arlene Mullin - (mentioned above) she along with Dialysis Advocates has recently been responsible for returning terminated patients to their clinics.  Or failing that, making sure terminated patients receive adequate dialysis.  Terminated patients many times only receive emergency dialysis, which can be a death sentence!

*Chris Schwab - current webmaster and DE Organizer.  Father of a daughter who was on dialysis back in 2000 (transplant now).  Helped head-up a group that got a bill through the Colorado Statehouse in 2007 for the certification of Hemodialysis Technicians (renewed in 2012 and 2019)