Blog #1: Intro
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- Written by: Super User
HQ-Save-the-Billionaires-Walk-updates+info Alert: printable flyer now available!!!
#Articles Referenced:
- Betty Allen's Story
-Frank Brown's Story
-2000 US Senate Witnesses
!!!P.S. The following History and recent Children's stats linked to, need to be emphasized!!! Update: And it gets worse: KIDS!!!!
I’ve taken the advice of a brother whose instincts can be better than mine and rewritten this intro I don’t know how many times. The brother I mention is one who sensed another brother had overdosed on pills so many, many years ago. (I didn’t pick up on that one) Anyway, I hope this will be a final version. This has been hard to write because of the pain involved.
Before I go to the very, very top of a putrid pile of garbage; I’ll go to the very, very bottom of that heap. The bottom for us was my daughter’s very first dialysis session in an outpatient dialysis clinic. She had gotten a very late diagnosis of kidney disease back in 2000 and wound up receiving emergency dialysis in the hospital, she seemed to be coming along fine.
I watched her being prepped at her very first session in the clinic and put on the machine, the tech then wandered off. All of a sudden my daughter started shaking like a leaf, her eyes turned to me and she cried “Dad, get me off!”. I screamed for the tech to get the hell over! He ran over and proceeded to quickly pull her off the machine, my recollection is that was the end of her first session.
In her later sessions my memory tells me she was handed over to a nurse for prep and care – and things seemed to be going fine. At one of those sessions the tech we had first met came by and we got to talking. I wound up asking about his education, I figured being a tech he must at least have an associate degree! He got a sheepish look on his face and mumbled something – I can’t remember what he said, but I’ve always remembered that look. I’ll give the tech credit, at least he seemed like someone capable of feeling guilt – unlike someone mentioned quite often on this site. And I’m starting to have doubts about a couple of our favorite billionaires. Though I will say at least one of the duo has started to show signs of guilt? Is it guilt, or just concern for himself? Maybe some of that nonsense spouted about an afterlife might be true! Anyway, not for me to decide.
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***Standards of Care***
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- Written by: Super User
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We are Dialysis Advocates who are keeping this site alive as a reminder of the history of the kidney dialysis field of medicine. Many of us have spent over two decades advocating for rights of dialysis patients. If you want to know more about us click the "About Us" link above and you could take a look at this introduction (also below).
And we've put together a list of the kinds of things we would like to see in dialysis:
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- Written by: Super User
Hi, my name is Chris and I've been a member of DialysisEthics since 2000 and I helped coordinate the activities of this patient advocacy organization. This site is being kept up as a reminder of the history of this field of medicine. For dialysis patients currently with issues and problems, is recommended people contact the folks at Dialysis Advocates.
***Get the lowdown on your clinic!***
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- Written by: Super User
Dialysis Facility Tracker
Updated Dec. 22, 2010
By Robin Fields, Al Shaw, and Jennifer LaFleur, ProPublica, Dec. 22, 2010
This site is for dialysis patients and others who want to learn about the quality of care at individual dialysis clinics. Among other things, you can learn how often patients treated at a facility have been hospitalized, report certain types of infections or are placed on the transplant list. The information is submitted by facilities and collected by contractors of the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services, the federal agency that oversees most dialysis care.
Related story: Dialysis Data, Once Confidential, Shines Light on Clinic Disparities »
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